Hypoxia Training Programs
Southern AeroMedical Institute offers a variety of training programs to meet the needs of pilots, cadets, companions, and support staff.
Cadet Hypoxia Training
In 2016, Southern AeroMedical Institute launched it’s Education Initiative. As a research based institute we feel it is our responsibility to offer excellent, affordable, introductory yet advanced hypoxia training specifically tailored to Cadet needs. This resulted in the development and launch of Cadet Hypoxia Training.
Flight Attendant Hypoxia Training
We believe in an emergency event, like a slow cabin depressurization “all available resources” should be utilized. Due to the active and physical nature of the duties of a Flight Attendant, they are potentially the first person to feel the symptoms of hypoxia. Therefore it is vital to establish a fundamental understanding of hypoxia signs and symptoms.
Advanced Chamber Program
The Advanced Chamber Program is SAMI’s evolution from the standard FAA Rapid Decompression training to scenario based training for Slow Onset Hypoxia. The Advanced Chamber Program trains pilots on their individual and unique symptoms of hypoxia while operating a flight simulator in communication with ATC at Altitude in a Hypobaric Chamber.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBPqWHhcpu4[/embedyt]
Contact Us for Scheduling Pricing and Additional Information.